Protecting the Body


Do-It-Yourself Prevention

Recently, a new approach emerged on how medicine should be practiced to keep us far healthier than we used to be.

Instead of acting only when something is broken in our body, the preventive approach takes preemptive measures to optimize our body's performance and either prevent the outbreak of diseases in the first place or catch them as early as possible, when treatment is still relatively easy.

On the most basic level of prevention, we don't even need specialized tests or equipment.

We start by evaluating how to protect the vital components of our body from disease and aging. Also, we implement a daily supplementation regimen that includes countermeasures to the known aging processes wherever possible.

A Word on Supplementation

Supplementation only makes sense if we at least follow a healthy diet. And it can only reach its full potential when we exercise, detox, and strive for mental well-being. Implementing such a foundation - especially without proper nutrition- will be inefficient, bordering on a total waste of time and effort.

However, if based on the proper foundation, supplementation can help us boost our health far beyond what is considered normal for our physiological age.

In the media, we see a lot of back and forth on whether supplements are helpful, useless, or even harmful. Oversimplification is used to offer easy answers to complex topics. The view is narrowed down to cheap multivitamins containing only a few vitamins and minerals that can easily be obtained from a balanced diet and do not consider the targeted and scientifically proven compounds that make up a good supplement regimen.

We consume media and studies on supplements carefully since the parties involved frequently do not have our best interest in mind but follow their own agenda. Research is often sponsored by large pharmaceutical companies who obviously won't spend money to prove that cheap, non-patentable plant extracts can prevent or heal the very same diseases they make a fortune on by selling their expensive products. Studies based on experimenting with mice or other rodents can only be partially transferred to the human realm.

Protecting our Brain

It is probably the most valuable part of our body. Without our brains operating at peak performance, we will have difficulty enjoying and doing all the valuable things.

Fortunately, the long-held common belief that our brains must age like our bodies has proven entirely wrong. Research shows that if we treat our brains correctly, there is no reason we can not be as sharp and witty at the age of 80 as we are at 40.

Treating our brain the right way is a threefold approach:

  • Fully implement the procedures of the foundation of nutrition, exercise, detox, and mental well-being. Especially the mental well-being part, including meditation

  • Support our brain's physical needs by supplementing compounds that either decline with age or have been shown to substantially protect the brain and promote brain longevity.

  • Use our brain and train it like any other muscle in our body. We are not talking about doing crosswords here but real challenges. We continuously learn new things, are creative, and pick up new challenges. Retirement and the resulting lack of real mental challenges contribute to brain degeneration. If we do what we love (and are :-)), why stop at an arbitrary age that society imposes on us for whatever reason? 

    We continuously choose our challenges and keep going for them, hopefully for a very long time.

Brain Longevity (Reading List)

Age-Related Cognitive Decline (

Support for our Brain

  • Carnosine

  • CoQ10 (ubiquinol)

  • Acetyl L-carnitine

  • Bacopa

  • Omega 6 Fish Oil

  • Phosphoryl Choline

  • Phos. Serine

  • Trans-Resveratrol

  • Vinpocetine

  • Vitamin B

  • DMAE

  • Deprenyl

  • Ashwanga

  • Green Tea Extract

  • Ginkgo Biloba

  • Blueberry

  • Huperzine A

  • Rosemary

  • Ginseng

  • Gastrodin


  • DHEA

  • Pregnenolone

Protecting our Cardio-Vascular System

To avoid the primary modes of age-related malfunction of our heart and blood vessels in the form of high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, stroke, and heart attacks, we work on reducing the numerous major risk factors that contribute to these catastrophic events.


Protecting our Skin

Our skin is by far our largest organ and the one that is highly exposed to our environment.

There are multiple ways in which we can reduce its everyday burden:

  • Reduce the toxic load on our skin by using non-toxic, organic, gluten-free body care whenever possible

  • Limit exposure to the sun and use high UV protection (organic/mineral) if exposure cannot be avoided

  • Supplement with Polypodium leucotomos, a plant extract that bolsters the skin's defenses and reduces the destructive effects of UV radiation from within


To support our aging skin, we can topically apply Acetyl Tetrapeptide-2, which mimics the body's Thymopoietin hormone, whose levels diminish as we age.

Polypodium leucotomos (

Unique Peptide Repairs Aging Skin (

Support for our Skin

  • Polypodium leucotomos

  • Acetyl Tetrapeptide-2

Protecting our Vision


It is probably our most valuable sense and deserves special protection and care.

We do so by:

  • Implementing the core building blocks to lower all risk factors for healthy aging is of particular importance for the eyes since the degenerative processes of aging will have a directly 'visible' effect, like clouding or stiffening of the lenses due to cross-linking of glucose and proteins, which is dramatically accelerated by high blood sugar

  • Supplementing with compounds that have a proven track record of protecting the vital component of our vision system over time


Support for Our Eyes

  • Lutein

  • Meso-Zeaxanthin

  • Trans-Zeaxanthin

  • Astaxanthin

Protecting our Bones


The single most significant threat to our skeletal system as we age is osteoporosis: bone loss because the body breaks down more of our bones than it rebuilds.

We confront this challenge by:

  • Addressing the risk factors that can be controlled and adverted by diet, exercise, detox, and mental well-being including insulin resistance, high blood sugar, glycation, oxidation, inflammation, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise, lack of certain trace minerals, chronic stress, and cardiovascular disease

  • Addressing the factors that we monitor and counteract in 'Personalized Prevention' such as vitamin K, calcium, vitamin D, excess sex hormone binding globulin, and low testosterone

  • Supplementing compounds that have been shown to promote healthy bones

See more: Osteoporosis (




Support for our Bones

  • Calcium

  • Magnesium

  • Vitamin K

  • Silica

  • Boron

  • Zinc

  • Collagen Chelate

  • Omega 3 Fatty Acids

  • Curcumin

  • Resveratrol

  • Quercetin

  • Berberine


  • Vitamin D

  • DHEA

Protecting our Joints

Motion and motion without pain significantly contribute to our quality of life. Arthritis is the loss of the cartilage that enables the movement of our joints without friction. It is a significant health concern as we age. Arthritis can trouble younger people, too, due to joint injuries or continuous heavy (ab)use in high-impact sports (such as jogging).

No matter our age, there are some things that we can do to minimize the risk factors and enable our body to rebuild the cartilage as it is needed in a multi-fold approach:

  • Implementing the foundation building blocks to eliminate or at least significantly reduce risk factors for diseases such as obesity, systemic inflammation, oxidative stress, and mitochondrial dysfunction

  • Supplementing with compounds that are known to lower systemic inflammation or support the rebuilding of cartilage

  • Reducing our everyday load on our joints by wearing customized orthopedic inlays in our shoes, sneakers, and sports shoes whenever possible

  • Cutting high-impact sports like jogging to an absolute limit and replacing going on long runs with short interval sprint training, which are far more efficient anyhow

  • Using our Five-Fingers instead of regular running shoes allows us to efficiently run on the forefoot, which is way less taxing on our joints than running in traditional shoes

see more: Arthritis – Osteoarthritis (




Support for our Joints

  • Glucosamine

  • Hyaluronic acid

  • Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM)

  • Keratin

  • Chondroitin

  • S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe)

Protecting our Muscles


Besides Osteoporosis and Arthritis, Sarcopenia, the degenerative loss of skeletal muscle in mass, quality, and strength, is the third primary foe trying to rob us of our mobility as we age. The loss of muscle mass happens at 0.5-1% per year after the age of 25. The overall progression is determined by the initial amount of muscle mass and the speed at which aging decreases muscle mass.

In addition to a healthy lifestyle, as proposed in the foundation, there are several strategies to counter this unfortunate consequence of aging:

  • Provide our body with sufficient, high-quality protein to maintain and build muscle mass

  • Engage in high-intensity weight training as described in the exercise section to stimulate muscle growth

  • Implement a testosterone replacement therapy, bringing our testosterone levels back up to where they used to be at the age of 25


Support for our Muscle

  • Organic Whey Protein


  • Testosterone

Protecting our Lung

As we age, our lung function decreases, thus diminishing our capability to import oxygen and export carbon dioxide, which reduces our overall available energy. Part of the capacity loss is due to glycation, which renders our lungs and muscles less flexible and reduces pumping volume.

To counter the aging of our lungs as much as possible, we:

  • Do not smoke. Smoking is the most critical risk factor for developing lung cancer

  • Engage in regular high-intensity exercise to train our overall aerobic capability

  • Lower our rate of glycation by implementing a low GL, evolutionary-style diet

Protecting our Liver


Our liver is the main chemical factory of our body. Its purpose is twofold. Food broken down in the digestive tract is sent to the liver, which further processes it to provide the body with essential building blocks like blood glucose. On the other hand, waste products of our metabolic processes are sent to the liver for detoxification to render them harmless and ready for excretion or reuse for further processing.

The liver has to detoxify itself, and toxins that either overwhelm it or cannot be handled are stored in our body fat or in the liver itself. Accumulated toxins in the liver degrade its performance, attack it, and make future detoxification even less efficient.

We can support our liver in its twofold task by:

  • Implementing an organic, evolutionary diet to ensure the incoming toxic load is minimized, and we are provided with the best possible raw material for further processing

  • Helping our liver to detoxify itself by supplementing compounds that are known to support it in the task

  • Detoxifying our liver by undergoing a "Liver Cleanse" with supplements that trigger the elimination of stored toxins in the liver through stool and urine

Liver Detox (


Support for our Liver

  • Milk Thistle

  • S-adenosylmethionine

Protecting our Mitochondria


Mitochondria are tiny bacteria-like organelles within our cells responsible for converting our food's energy sources into the cell's energy source - ATP. Mitochondria have DNA that encodes the proteins necessary for energy conversion. Due to the high amount of free radicals produced by this conversion, the mitochondrial DNA is under constant attack on its integrity and thus highly susceptible to mutations. The resulting dysfunctions and their secondary effects are supposed to be one of the seven key drivers of aging and age-related diseases.

Unfortunately, this damage directly results from how our biochemistry is designed. There is no way of avoiding it altogether. However, in the future, we can either repair cells overtaken by mutated mitochondria and rendered dysfunctional or remove them from our bodies.

Meanwhile, there are multiple ways in which we can support our mitochondria, optimize their function, and minimize the damage done to them:

  • Optimizing the energy transport, especially the transport of fat to our mitochondria, by supplementing L-Carnitine

  • Stimulating our cells to produce new mitochondria by exercising and increasing PQQ

  • Lowering our metabolic rate and thus the damage being caused by implementing calorie restriction or supplementing CR-mimetic supplements

  • Compensating the excess production of free radicals by supplementing conventional antioxidants like R-Lipoic Acid and CoQ10

  • Supplementing with a new type of antioxidants mainly targeted at the mitochondria

Our Aging Mitochondria (


Support for our Mitochondria

  • Carnosine

  • PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline quinone)

  • Acetyl-L-Carnitine Arginate

  • R-Lipoic Acid

  • CoQ10

  • Resveratrol

Backing up our Stem Cells

A lot of exciting research is going on in the field of regenerative stem cell treatments. New organs are already being created in the lab from stem cells, and therapies to rejuvenate individual parts of the body, like the complete cardiovascular system, are being developed. If we want to take advantage of these technologies, we need stem cells to start with once they are available. Those can be generated by changing normal skin or fat cells back into stem cells that can be multiplied and used for treatment.

Unfortunately, when we require stem cells a few decades from now, we will use skin or fat cells that are 30 years older and might have accumulated genetic errors and other damage. It would be best to have cells as young as possible, preferably already stem cells, when we need them. There is a general procedure for newborns to extract stem cells from the umbilical cord and deep freeze them for future use.

Now, adults can store their stem cells, too. The body keeps stem cells for blood production in the bone marrow. Using a particular medication, part of these stem cells can be released into the bloodstream, where they can be extracted in a dialysis-like procedure and deep-frozen for much later use (decades). The body replenishes the remaining bone marrow stem cells automatically.

Today, various companies are offering adult stem cell extraction and storage.