Health & Longevity Strategy

It all started with a simple question:


What can I do to be as healthy as possible for as long as possible?


The bleak conventional outlook





This is the human survival curve over time, as conventional medicine sees it today. It also shows the traditional view of an average individual's expected decline in health.

Health is predicted to peak between 25 and 30 and go downhill as we age. Once we reach age 65, we are expected to be in much worse shape both mentally and physically than we were at our peak at 30.

​After that, things only get worse, and we are expected to die at about 75-80 years of age (the average lifespan). Some of us grow older, but no one lives longer than 120 (the maximum lifespan of our species).


Our quality of life is expected to be even worse



As our health deteriorates over time, our quality of life worsens even faster. Obesity and chronic diseases may lead to a lack of energy and vigor, maybe even mild or severe depression.

A heart attack or stroke might force us to be far less active than we would wish to be. Arthritis makes motion more and more painful, sometimes even early in life.

​Over time, many of the activities we came to love when we were younger are more challenging or even impossible to participate in. Our libido diminishes and maybe even disappears altogether. And all this before we even retire.


It does not have to be that way: Extending our healthy lifespan



By applying the latest and often unused medical knowledge on prevention, health monitoring, mental well-being, and integrative treatment approaches, we can dramatically improve our health, reverse chronic illnesses, and substantially lower the probability of falling prey to age-related diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s, and diabetes.
Moreover, some aging processes can already be slowed down using existing approaches.

We can do even more: Extending our maximum lifespan



Scientists are working hard to find ways to extend our healthy and maximum lifespan beyond current limits significantly.

Molecular and cellular repair technologies are on the drawing board or already under development. These rejuvenation therapies aim to undo the damage caused by aging. They will allow us to slow down, halt, or even reverse the aging process, thus eliminating the root cause of age-related diseases.
They will complement our existing toolset and become more and more effective over time.


Let's imagine we could ...


  • … immediately improve our health and well-being

  • … reverse chronic disease

  • … be as healthy at the age of 70 as we are at 30

  • … stay free of the diseases of aging for our whole life

  • … ​extend our youthful lifespan by decades or even longer


Amazingly, all of this is within our reach right now ​

Combining the latest medical knowledge on personal prevention, mental well-being, health monitoring, and integrative treatment approaches with the first generation of rejuvenation therapies can enable us to extend our healthy lifespan significantly.

With the advent of rejuvenation biotechnology, we can leave behind the old paradigm of "letting things break and then desperately trying to make sick people healthy again and shift to a comprehensive "keeping healthy people healthy" approach.

Although the first generation of rejuvenation therapies will only have a limited effect on longevity, we can already use this new approach because the longer we stay healthy using all the tools available, the more we will enjoy the benefits of future, more advanced therapies.

Keeping healthy people healthy

To make achieving long-lasting health manageable, we have divided our strategy into five pillars, each further broken down into individual building blocks. 



A Step-by-Step Approach

We designed our strategy based on what we wished we had when we started our quest a few years ago: A comprehensive "how-to" that breaks down the complex subject of achieving long-lasting health into manageable parts.

Most processes in our body are highly complex with many interconnections: e.g., our emotional reactions influence our hormones, which affect numerous processes; our toxic burden controls our digestion, which can directly affect our brain. 

Although this holds true for the building blocks as well, we structure them so that they can be addressed individually. It also allows us to research and improve them individually.




Pillars & Building Blocks



Knowledge Pool

The strategy draws knowledge from a wide variety of sources

  • Medical Research

  • Rejuvenation Research

  • Functional & Integrative Medicine

  • Sports Medicine

  • Integrative Dentistry

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine

  • Ayurveda

  • Manual Therapy

  • Preventative Health Assessments

  • Precision Medicine

  • Nutritional Science

  • Evolutionary / Ancestral Health

  • Movement Science

  • Environmental Medicine

  • Quantified Self

  • Supplementation

  • Self Development

  • Meditation & Mindfulness

  • Yoga

  • Trauma Release

  • Dance, Art & Music Therapy

  • Philosophy & Spirituality

  • Psychology


Keeping it fresh

Science is progressing ever-increasingly, and we are keen on using all this exciting progress to our advantage.

To keep the strategy up-to-date, we closely follow the latest medical advances and exciting technological developments that might become available soon. This allows us to assess and potentially incorporate them at the earliest opportunity.

Open for Collaboration

The "Health & Longevity Strategy" is an international collaboration of scientists, doctors, and the foundation. If you would like to collaborate, leave us a note.