Web Links


Functional Medicine & Nutrition Science

Organic, Gluten Free Body Care

100 Percent Pure - very nicely scented shower liquids

Tom's of Main - our favorite aluminum free deodorant

Primal Life Organics - organic, gluten free makeup & skin care

Personalized Prevention

LEF Magazine - monthly e-zine on the latest developments in personalized prevention, great background articles as well

LEF Health Protocols - An great knowledge base on how to treat chronic diseases by tackling the root causes thru nutrition and supplements



Examine.com - Great source of Information of specific supplements

ConsumerLab - Independent testing of supplements, to ensure we always use the best

Life Extension Foundation - A reliable supplier of supplements, totally dedicated to their mission

Renew Life - Natural Detox supplements

Future Technology

Fight Aging ! -  Frequent in-depth articles and a great knowledge base on advanced life extension topics

SENS Research Foundation - Home of the SENS approach to cure aging